Tag: neuron

These are cells that can be found throughout the brain, like in the cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala. They are excitatory cells (vs. inhibitory), meaning they tend to make the neurons receiving its signals more likely to release neurotransmitters (“excited”). Pyramidal neurons can differ a bit in shape and this is thought to represent different subtypes. […]
Stellate ganglions (aka the cell the giant axon in a squid). Most biology students are familiar with this cell since the first recording of neuron’s activity was done with it in the 1930’s (by Hodkin and Hukley who later received a Nobel Prize for the experiment). But why did they use a squid? Because they […]
Many biology classes mention Luigi Galvani’s experiment from 1781 where he electrically stimulated an amputated frog leg, which made the leg twitch. This was revolutionary because it linked electricity to movements and life. What they don’t tell you in these classes is that:⁣⁣ During this time, many scientists believed that a psychic fluid in our […]