Funny words and phrases used in science:
- flp off (n, “flip – off”) : genetic technique to repress a specific protein expression in certain cells
- catch virgins (v) : isolating virgin animals (usually fruit flies) for upcoming experiments
- lickometer (n, “lick – ah – meter”) : a device used to quantify when animals are drinking out of a spout
- water (v): to provide water to an animal (ex: “I need to water the mice.”)
- paint (v): part of the mounting process of getting tissue onto a slide (usually with a paintbrush)
- glob (n): regions of the brain (in the very back) involved in color processing
Funny gene names: sonic hedgehog, clock, indy (I’m not dead yet), ken and barbie, cheap date, halloween (includes genes for disembodied, spook, spookier, shadow, shade, shroud, and phantom), swiss cheese, lava lamp, one-eyed pinhead, cash, half stoned, tequila (google funny gene names for more with descriptions of the mutations.)
Originally posted on Instagram April 23, 2019
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